Contact Info
113 Bayfield St. East
Washburn, WI 54891
- Phone:
- 715-373-2667
- Length:
- 22 miles
- Difficulty:
- Easy
- Time:
- 9 - 10 hours
The Teuton Ski Trails are located in an oak forest and have relatively long uphills and downhills. The trails begin at the parking lot and climb with no flats until they reach the top. The Teuton trails are groomed for classic and skating technique. The Valkyrie trails are groomed for classical technique only. The Valkyrie Ski Trails are located in an open red pine stand north of Highway C. The C Loop surrounds the Sun Bowl with excellent scenic views of northern Bayfield County. The Valkyrie trails are groomed for classic technique only. The Valhalla Chalet provides a place out of the weather and a warming fire. During the snow free season, mountain biking, hiking, and running are allowed on both trail systems. The Cross Country Ski Trail Report provides updates of trail conditions during the winter.