Contact Info
Park Falls, WI 54552
- Phone 1:
- 715-362-1371
- Phone 2:
- 715-762-2461
- Length:
- 1.75 miles
- Difficulty:
- Intermediate
- Time:
- 1/2 to 1 hr
This trail is named in honor of nature enthusiast, philosopher, and writer, Sam Campbell. It leads through a forest of pines, balsam, and hardwoods, and offers a variety of spring birds and wildflowers. A self-guiding brochure available at the trailhead interprets the area using the writings of Sam Campbell. A section of the trail leads to Wegimind Point and Vanishing Lake, a focal point in many of Campbell's writings and lectures. The Three Lakes Historical Society is a partner with the Forest Service in managing the trail. Benches are provided.